

Imagine what a sustainable future would look like, and what you can do to make it a reality. 作为皇冠app官方版下载环境与可持续发展研究专业的学生,你将学习 在工作和生活的各个不同领域实现这一愿景的方法. 这个通用的 program spans diverse academic disciplines as it explores interconnected issues of sustainability in business, public policy, conservation, recreation and more. You’ll learn through a combination of classroom mentorship and hands-on experience, with rewarding opportunities to apply sustainable approaches in real-world scenarios, such as taking part in an organic farming project and exploring partnerships with local 促进可持续实践的机构. 环境与可持续发展研究 program is also designed with flexibility to suit diverse interests and career pathways, 所以你可以根据自己的需要定制学习计划.


As an 环境及可持续发展研究 major at UNC, you’ll be part of an active, engaged student community that puts sustainability study into practice. One such project involves a 6-week summer course in urban agriculture, where you 学会在农场工作,种植有机食物 与当地农贸市场合作,在市场上出售. 这只是其中之一 opportunities you’ll find either on campus or in the community to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship through energy efficiency initiatives, recycling, composting and more.


B.A. 环境与可持续发展研究

The B.A. in 环境及可持续发展研究 is a holistic, interdisciplinary program, spanning a broad range of disciplines, reflecting the wide array of disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to analyzing complex problems in environmental studies 和可持续性. 它对相互关联的可持续性问题的关注可以发挥领导作用 与任何职业道路相辅相成. 你会培养系统思考的能力 and critically about environmental sustainability issues and how solutions can be implemented. Coursework and fieldwork will provide opportunities to examine, challenge, and reflect on contemporary assumptions about environmental sustainability and you'll 能够分析和评估复杂系统是如何集成的.



Our 18-credit 可持续性 minor helps you develop the skills to find practical solutions to environmental challenges facing your community, the nation and the world. The minor can be a strong complement to any major and is especially useful for students majoring in disciplines that relate to the natural sciences, environment and conservation.




可持续性 is about using the resources that we have in a way that ensures future 几代人也会得到他们需要的东西. 这是一个涉及各个领域的概念 在我们的生活中,在政治中,在工作场所,在我们的家里. 在皇冠app官方版下载,你将成为其中的一部分 of a program that promotes interactions with the public and policy makers to implement practical solutions to environmental problems, with diverse opportunities for experiential learning that include internships, field studies and community engagement.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的B.A. 在环境及可持续发展研究中:

  • Want to find solutions that benefit ecosystems, human communities and the economy
  • 享受在不同学科的实践学习和工作
  • 在积极的学习环境中茁壮成长,并有密切的教师指导


  • Applications of science and technology for sustainable use of natural resources
  • Urban agriculture, water resource economics, ecological and biological commerce and 环境法律与政治
  • The role of sustainability in our daily lives and how past and present attitudes toward 环境影响着今天的世界
  • 批判性思维和解决问题的能力


  • 可持续性与资本主义
  • 环境,政治和法律
  • 全球人口与人类需求
  • 能源政策与经济
  • 环境研究实习
  • 都市农业


UNC 环境及可持续发展研究 students dig deep to bring local food 为了全球的利益.

At UNC, students, faculty and community members are developing resources that connect local farmers with the community and make buying local beneficial on many levels. UNC has been selected as one of 27 communities and programs nationally to receive support from the White House Rural Council’s “Local Food, Local Places” initiative. The initiative offers direct technical support and expertise to community partners, 将地方粮食系统纳入区域经济行动计划. 它是a的一个 一些偶然的联系刺激了这个项目. 了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装本地种植的信息.


Our graduates have gone on to pursue a wide range of careers in environmental blog writing, clean energy research and sustainability oversight, just to name a few. The question is: what will you choose to do, and how will you make an impact, once you 获得学位?


如今,几乎每个职业都在某种程度上涉及可持续性. 除了是 beneficial to the environment, many companies adopt sustainability strategies to increase profits, improve efficiency, engage consumers and have a more positive impact in their communities. 你会在企业、政府、学术机构等部门找到工作 医疗保健行业等. 以下只是一些可能的职业 paths you might pursue with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental and 可持续性 UNC的研究:

  • 可持续发展主任或经理
  • 环境科学家
  • 可持续发展规划师和分析师
  • 外联和沟通专员
  • 能源分析师


One of the things that makes UNC special is that our professors are both dedicated educators and mentors, and accomplished researchers with diverse areas of expertise. Here’s a sample of current research in the 环境及可持续发展研究 department:



By 2060, around two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities and will 需要可持续的饮用水. 北卡大学环境和 可持续发展研究课程 Chelsie幕, Ph.D., recently had her research on investments for watershed services published 发表在《皇冠app安卓下载安装》杂志上.

Romulo and her team reviewed data collected by The Nature Conservancy using a machine-learning algorithm to better understand the variables that impact the placement of these investments for watershed services and created maps and models to visualize the locations of the investments, which in turn helps produce clean drinking water for major cities.


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